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Beberapa nas Alkitab yang dapat kami tuliskan dibawah ini yang dapat kita berikan untuk ucapan selamat ulang tahun bagi orang-orang yang. Mujizat Tuhan Yesus (Markus 1: 40-45) Bacaan Firman Tuhan: Markus 1: 40-45 Zaman yang serba cepat dan instan itulah kenyataan hidup kita saat ini.

First Week of Lent

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  1. Perayaan ulang tahun adalah dimana hari tersebut adalah sebuah tanggal istimewa dalam hidupnya karena usianya bertambah satu tahun lagi. Setiap orang memiliki tanggal lahir dimana tanggal tersebut menjadi hari ulang tahun untuk beberapa tahun selanjutnya.
  2. Mempertingati dan merayakan hari ulang tahun tentu saja membanggakan dan menggembirakan dan semua kita merindukan umur yang panjang. Kita merindukan umur yang panjang karena itu kita menyanyikan lagu pajang umum. Saya akhiri renungan ini dengan mengutip pandangan Lao Tze seorang pemikir dan tokoh spirtual, pendiri Taoisme, penulis buku Tao.

Lent is the most important time of the year to nurture our inner life. It is the time during which we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the death and resurrection that constantly takes place within us. Life is a continuing process of the death of the old and the familiar, and being reborn again into a new hope, a new trust, and a new love. The death and resurrection of Jesus therefore is not just an historical event that took place a long time ago, but an inner event that takes place in our heart when we are willing to be attentive to it….

Lent offers a beautiful opportunity to discover the mystery of Christ within us. It is a gentle but also demanding time. It is a time of solitude but also community, it is a time of listening to the voice within, but also a time of paying attention to other people’s needs. It is a time to continuously make the passage to new inner life as well as to life with those around us.

When we live Lent attentively and gently, then Easter can truly be a celebration during which the full proclamation of the risen Christ will reverberate into the deepest place of our being.

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Sumber :

Weekly Reflection – First Week of Lent,Henri Nouwen Society [email_lists@henrinouwen.org]

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